Thursday, May 28, 2009

Testing re-testing and detesting

I like books. Real not digital one. I like flipping pages, not scrolling down. I prefer the musty smell of thumbed leaves to the glare of an LCD monitor. And I’m sure I retain more from reading a print out than from reading an email.
But given the rapidly shrinking equatorial forests and intrusive encroachment in the name of teledensity, I’ve reconciled myself to the unenviable task of putting at least one foot into the digital boat.
So I’m buying the next round of virtual beer for the rest of you accomplices.
There’s no telling where this one’s gonna end up.

(posted on behalf of Chetan, the newest member of this blog, who claims to be technologically challenged.)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should post something on my behalf too, since I happen to b mightily,strongly, densely,heavily, technologically challenged!


Have that irresistable urge to feel smart eh? What's your no good, whiny @ss opinion? And yes... no fuckin' profanity on these pages!